2 Spice Bush bareroot seedlings 1-2’

$8.99 $11.99

Shipping to United States: $4.00

You will receive two, 2 foot tall bare root seedlings with each purchase. Your plant will not come with instructions; please know how to care for your plants.

Host plant to the spice bush swallowtail!

Spicebush is a deciduous shrub growing to 6–12 feet (1.8–3.7 m) tall. It has a colonial nature and often reproduces by root sprouting, forming clumps or thickets. The leaves are alternately arranged on the stem, simple, 6–15 cm (2–6 in) long and 2–6 cm (1–2 in) broad, oval or broadest beyond the middle of the leaf. They have a smooth edge with no teeth and are dark green above and paler below. The leaves, along with the stems are very aromatic when crushed with a spicy, citrusy smell, hence the common names and the specific epithet benzoin. In the fall the leaves turn a very bright and showy yellow color.
The yellow flowers grow in showy clusters which appear in early spring, before the leaves begin to grow. The flowers have 6 sepals and a very sweet odor. The ripe fruit is a red, elipsoidal, berrylike drupe, rich in lipids, about 1 cm (1⁄2 in) long and is eaten by several bird species. It has a "turpentine-like" taste and aromatic scent, and contains a large seed. Spicebush is dioecious (plants are either male or female), so that both sexes are needed in a garden if one wants drupes with viable seeds.
Like other dioecious plants, the female plants have a greater cost of reproduction compared to the male plants. In the wild, the population tends to have more males than females possibly due to the heavier reproductive costs on females.
Host plant to the spice bush swallowtail!

We are a certified nursery in Tennessee certificate #14856

Healthy bare root shrubs, well packed and promptly shipped.

These cuttings arrived carefully packaged and are now in my kitchen, soaking up water and rooting a bit more before planting outside.

Looking forward to planting these for great foliage.

Plants look great. would recommend them.

Looks nice 👍 hopeful for success

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