Trident Maple quart pot

$11.24 $14.99

Shipping to United States: $6.00

You will receive one plant in a quart pot with each purchase. Your plant will not come with instructions; please know how to care for your plants.



Acer Buergerianum
It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree reaching a height of 5–20 m with a trunk up to 50 cm diameter. The leaves are in opposite pairs, 2.5–8 cm long (excluding the 2–5 cm petiole) and 3.5–6.5 cm broad, hard, glossy dark green above, paler below, usually with three lobes; on mature trees the lobes forward-pointing and with smooth margins, on young trees with more spreading lobes and serrated margins. The flowers are produced in spring, yellow-green, in pendulous corymbs; they are small, with five greenish sepals and five yellow-white petals about 2 mm long, and eight stamens. The fruit is a samara with two winged seeds, each seed 4–7 mm diameter, with a 15 mm wing; the wings are forward-pointing and often overlapping each other.

We are a certified nursery in Tennessee certificate #14856

As described. Growing well. Thank you.

Wrapped well but difficult to remove packaging without cutting roots. Also had moisture beads that got everywhere. Tree itself seems healthy and as described.

Trees arrived on time and appear to be healthy.

A tad bit skinny but overall a healthy, good-looking plant. Thanks!

Healthy little tree with a ton of healthy roots. Shipped fast and priced well.

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