Carolina Allspice ‘Sweetshrub’ quart pot

$11.99 $14.99

Shipping to United States: $6.00

You will receive one plant in a quart sized container with each purchase. Your plant will not come with instructions; please know how to care for your plants.


Calycanthus (Sweetshrub) plants are deciduous shrubs, growing to 4 m (13 ft) tall. The leaves are opposite and undivided. The plants are aromatic. The flowers are typical of the family Calycanthaceae in lacking distinct sepals and petals, but instead having spirals of tepals. Flowers are produced from spring onwards, until October in the case of C. occidentalis. The flowers of the two North American species are scented, 4–7 cm (1.6–2.8 in) across, with numerous dark red to burgundy to purplish brown tepals. C. chinensis has broader tepals, the outer ones white flushed with pink, the inner ones mostly yellow with purple marks at the base. The fruit is an elliptical dry capsule, containing numerous seeds.

We are a certified nursery in Tennessee certificate #14856

Reviews (6)


Review is the same for each item in the same order

Very well packaged for shipment. This is the way plants should be sent. A+

The items were severely wilted and bugs had eaten holes in some of the leaves. I have sprayed and replanted them and hope they come through. I ordered in early May and did not get them until June 1. I got no response when I emailed the company and asked when I could expect the plants to arrive. My definition of a quart does not match the company's definition. Sorry to be negative, but that's the way it is. The plants looked really nice on the website.

Well packaged, beautiful plant! Planted as soon as it arrived, and it has new growth on it already!

Was somewhat disappointed. Wasn't what I expected. Hardly any leaves on it, very scrawny. I put it in water right away, most of the leaves turned yellow and fell off. Didn't look like the picture at all. It was described as a "sweet shrub" guess I was expecting a smaller "bush" like plant. The plant that was delivered, had a tall stalk with hardly any leaves on it. So, I hope you can see my disappointment.

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